PETRI – Sofia and the International Foundation for Y-PEER Development participated at the seminar “The school and the parents – effective communication and positive solutions”
- 23.05.2019
- Posted by: Julia Jurieva
- Category: Uncategorized

Y-PEER PETRI – Sofia and the International Foundation for Y-PEER Development participated at the seminar “The school and the parents – effective communication and positive solutions” on the 22th of May 2019.
The event was organized by the Association “Professional Forum for Education” and it took place at the National Military History Museum in Sofia. The aim of the seminar was to bring together school officials (headmasters, teachers, pedagogues, and school counselors), parents and NGOs’ staff members from Sofia in order to discuss the communication between the parents and schools, develop ways to improve their collaboration and propose ideas for improving the school climate.
Yuliya Andzhekarska, the Youth Coordinator at PETRI – Sofia, and Anmar Khalid, International Coordinator in Charge of Y-PEER Network, delivered a presentation about PETRI- Sofia and the Y-PEER Network, the ongoing and future projects of the organization, and the importance of volunteering, while inviting the school representatives to participate in the projects.
The current International Fellow Nino Chitishvili and the EVS (European Voluntary Service) Volunteer Viktorija Bondikjova shared their insights about volunteering at PETRI – Sofia and highlighted the support needed from schools and the collaboration that PETRI and the Foundation envision.
The event ended with discussions about the topics which are not included in the school curricula, answering questions and networking among participants.